
Enchant Me




Master Navigator (240)

Advanced Fighter (65)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
12-25-2022, 03:07 PM

She wasn't really sure what she was expecting his answer to be as his bright green gaze reopened and she questioned what was on his mind, but she was still a bit surprised somehow when he showed again how sweet he was as he told her how thankful he was for her. She blinked a couple of times with surprise as a little smile pulled at her lips. "I'm thankful for you too, Cerb." She hadn't felt incredibly close to any of her siblings back in Fenmyre, instead loving them all equally and just knowing a few of them better than others, but now that they were away from the majority of their family and she was spending the bulk of her time with Cerberus, she was thankful that she had decided to stay in Boreas with him and Albion. He had quickly become her best friend in this short time that they had been living together in Elysium. She did wonder if maybe she would have grown closer to any of her other brothers had she gone with her parents or if she would have been as close to another of her siblings had Cerberus swapped places with them. Maybe it was something about Cerberus in particular that she got along with so well. It was hard to tell.

Ruse smiled up at him happily for a moment before reaching her muzzle up to his cheek, giving his cheek an affectionate nuzzle before she lowered her head to his chest again, tucking herself into the crook of his neck. "Do you have to go on that patrol?" she questioned as her forelegs that were wrapped around his broad chest tightened a bit, holding on to him and already not looking forward to when he would have to leave to get to his pack duties. She knew from living with their father that responsibility and working hard were incredibly important and normally she wouldn't get in the way of him doing just that, but being wrapped up in his embrace and snuggled into the warmth of him, feeling his paws rubbing over her, it all felt too good to give up so soon.

"Rusalka Alondra Klein"