
Enchant Me



"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-25-2022, 04:30 PM
The reassurance that she felt the same way was never needed, but hearing it always made him feel better. He always felt in place and loved by the rest of his family, but here with Ruse everything felt different. Maybe it was age or maybe it was the specific and special time they had spent together here, or maybe it was both. He wasn't really closed to the possibilities of the emotions he was feeling, he just didn't search too deep into it.

As she asked if he had to go on his patrol, that gentle grin faded slightly as he felt some sort of disappointment as if he was letting her down or something of that sort. He wanted to tell her he didn't have to, that he could ask someone else to take it for him. They had plenty of capable warriors in Elysium, but with the time of night he wouldn't have went out to find someone to cover for him. He held his breath reluctantly for a moment showing that bit of holding back not wanting to disappoint her, and he finally gave her that response, "I have to." His paw gently sliding down her back as it had been before.

He knew she would understand, but he also knew that being away from the rest of their family had been hard for her at times. She seemed to adjust in due time and fit in the best she could, it was almost a part of their blood and nature. To overcome. He knew that they helped each other through the hard times even if they didn't feel so harsh.

It was only a moment or so later when he went to shift, some kind of instinct with her being so close and snuggled into his chest. He rose slightly, moving into a completely different position to put his chest up against her back or side the best he could, but overall laying overtop completely surrounding her in him. He was acting on his emotions and what felt right to what he wanted, physically and emotionally maybe not one over the other. His chin reaching over her shoulder where their cheeks would meet before his nose moved down to gently nuzzle towards her throat and side of her neck. A paw eventually flowing down the length of her body under him. There was really no hesitation in his actions, nothing felt wrong to him between them as his own innocence started to pull away from him and breaking some kind of barrier between them not that one had been there before. His physical desires were still far from taking more from her, just holding her maybe even dreaming in a way as he explored his thoughts and what felt good and right to him.

"Cerberus Kline"