
The Bones of What Was



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (270)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-25-2022, 09:24 PM (This post was last modified: 12-25-2022, 09:27 PM by Scylla. Edited 2 times in total.)

It felt like ages since she'd last been here. Scylla had been in Elysium for a time, then she had gone back to Fenmyre, leaving the lands with her father and family when he took ill. Despite her odd, somewhat standoffish demeanor, Scylla did love her father. Concern had eaten at her until she'd agreed to go along with her family to warmer lands. There was something in her father's lungs that hadn't liked the current climate. A practiced healer had suggested that they move, and move they did. It had done wonders for her father's health and in time Aliana had given Chimera a clean bill of health. His lungs no longer rattled or wheezed. He could breathe. His strength was returning. Her sire felt so much like his old self that he had decided that it was just about time to return. Scylla, being the drifting spirit that she was, decided to go on ahead.

Scylla had changed quite dramatically since the last time that her paws had touched the pale sands of the isle. The woman would forever be small, lithe and dainty, but her puppy fat had melted away. She was a petite creature on long, slender legs. The blossoming young woman had learned to keep her long coat sparkling and silken. She practically gleamed in the bright moonlight that shone above. Perhaps once she had looked like a scruffy little squirrel, but that was no longer the case. The woman's hips had widened somewhat, but her ribcage was nicely tapered. There was no doubt that she was very much a woman.

While swimming the channel to the island, Scylla had been careful to keep her pack out of the water. Within were many things that she needed to keep safe. Items that really shouldn't get wet or she'd ruin all of her hard work. Not only was Scylla a rather skilled fighter, she had been working on her healing abilities. Or, closer to the fact, her killing abilities. Poisons were such lovely things. Most wolves didn't realize that poisons were practically everywhere. Scylla had been mixing various poisons for quite some time but had only been able to test them on small animals. She needed a bigger subject at some point so that she could correctly gauge the strength and effects on a creature that the poison was intended for: other wolves. Today was just for reminiscing, however. The slate and cream fae walked the lonely island, so much quieter than it had been when Fenmyre had claimed these lands.

As Scylla neared the compound that had once housed her family, a foreign stench caught her pink nares. An intruder, she decided. What were they intruding on, though? These lands were free reign once more. Still... it didn't sit right with the woman. It felt even more wrong to realize that the brute was holed up in her father's former chambers. The acrid stench of lustful male was heavy in the air and Scylla sighed, weighing her options. As she sat in the thick foliage, melding with the shadows, the woman formed her plan. It would be risky, but the experiment would be worth it.

Sliding the pack from around her neck, Scylla removed a small wooden vial with a stopper. She slid this vial into the thick cuff around her left wrist, rendering the item invisible to the eye. Leaving her bag hanging from a branch, the woman openly moved towards the chambers of the former king. Before entering, she removed one of the bottles of wine that had been hidden in storage. A brute as stinky as this wouldn't be able to resist, she was sure. Wine bottle held delicately between her teeth, Scylla pushed the sliding door open loudly, instantly rousing the brute within from sleep. The black and red man was a giant, leaping to his paws and turning on her with a snarl. Surely he could crush her right there, but the woman's slender frame and delicate countenance stopped him from attacking. Scylla gave the brute a sultry little smile, swished the wine around in the bottle and tilted her head. The game was on.

They barely spoke, but it didn't take long to convince the brute to take her. She made it seem like his idea, but it was entirely hers. Scylla was not a virgin, surprise surprise. She had spent time with a few different wolves on her journey back and forth. So when the hulking wolf joined their bodies, she was ready for it and acted appropriately. Or inappropriately, as it was. He was rough, didn't care much for anything other than his own pleasure and he stank to high heaven, but eventually Scylla was able to attain her own pleasure with those dexterous little digits of hers. Her body melted into light moments after his and the pair lay there panting roughly. When they separated, Scylla went to pour the wine. Of course he would be thirsty.

Two dishes were placed side by side and the speckled woman filled them with wine. Into the dish that she would hand the man, Scylla slyly sprinkled the contents of the vial at her wrist, careful not to touch it. With a little swish to dissolve the powder, she handed the dish to the man and went to get her own. She could hear him gulping it down greedily behind her and a devious little smile formed. Of course he wouldn't wait for her and of course he wouldn't suspect a thing from someone that he'd just fucked. How inconsiderate of him.

Taking up her dish, Scylla turned and leaned against the open doorway. Mismatched eyes watched the brute as his brow began to furrow. She took a sip of her own wine as he began coughing loudly. The mixture of mushrooms, poisonous flowers and mold doing their work quickly. The brute cast pleading eyed towards her, silently asking for help but the woman made no move. She simply sipped at her wine and observed the fast acting poison tear through her former lovers body. As he coughed, blood began to pour from his mouth in rivers, staining the furs that had once belonged to her father. His body began to shake violently and he could no longer stand. Crashing to the ground, the interested woman took a step closer, watching as he involuntarily pissed all over himself. His breathing, when he was able to take a breath, was little more than a whistle. His lungs swelled, his throat shredded. Inside she knew that his stomach bled and his other organs were failing him. As he took his final breath, Scylla stood over him, watching as his body ceased its twitching and his wide, frightened eyes turned to glass. "Interesting," she concluded, speaking to herself, considering she was the only living creature in the room. It had worked better than she'd planned. Good thing she'd made a ton of the stuff. It would fetch a hefty price in the right paws.

Scylla made her way out to the channel once more, dipping her diminutive frame within and giving her soiled coat a quick wash. The man really did stink. She was used to having cleanly males around as her father was one for hygiene. The stench of the black and red giant was stuck in her nose. Thankfully a bit of hyacinth soap quickly erased the smell. After, Scylla sprawled on a huge, flat rock, the moon above shining down upon her. All in all, she was very pleased with her experiment.

"Scylla Klein"

Scylla should be seen as a very adult character who will indulge in acts that others may find graphic and uncomfortable. Steer clear if you don't like this sort of thing.
[Image: vF1xS6t.png]