
Can't Stay Away


10-17-2013, 10:33 PM

Mental defenses shot up at her brothers sneer. He altered his path, heading straight towards her. Sarcastic words was pierce her sensitive ears. Now that he was closer, she took in a whiff of his scent. All traces of his little bitch gone. "I see your little toy is gone. Did you kill her or did she finally go running for the hills?" A sneer pulled back her own dark kissers as she looked up at her brother. Steel muscles coiled beneath her pelt naturally, it was knee jerk reaction around her brother. They kept each other on their toes.

Beside her, Cena cast an equally wary glance at the leopard that stood beside the silver bastard. Cat was nowhere as irritating as her brother, how could anyone put up with him? She said nothing, though she quietly hoped that maybe the two could find some peace away from the bickering pair. One could hope.

Somethings never changed. His movements were cocky, he still held onto his strut. Arrogant little prick. Forelimbs flexed, heaving her upper body up and into a sitting position. The fall moon was the only light and it played softly amongst her silver pelt, making it glow and shimmer with each passing breeze. Her brother looked the same as always, his massive frame towering over her own, his darker pelt just as flawless, though smelling strongly of blood. He was hunting again. It could only mean that little bitch was gone. For good.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"