
To victory!

Autumn Seasonal


The Hallows

Master Fighter (242)

Advanced Navigator (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
12-26-2022, 06:42 PM

Kea giggled as his cousin immediately joined in, jumping the leaves and helping to scatter them across the bottom of the ravine. All he could smell was the faintly decaying scent of the leaves around him now. The smell didn’t even bother him, he was having far too much fun. He did wonder if he managed to scramble back up the ravine, could he shake a few trees hard enough to send a new wave of leaves down on them? A glance up at the brightly coloured oaks told him there was plenty of ammo left up there. Maybe later, he couldn’t be bothered trying to scramble up the side just yet. Instead, Kea let himself fall to his side hard, so that leaves scattered around him and puffed into the air above. Raining down on him moments later. He lay there for a moment, half buried, and watching his cousin playing. His dark fur standing out in the brightly lit autumn leaves around him. He lay there for a moment before an idea occurred to him.

He climbed back to his paws, making sure as many leaves as possible went crunch beneath him as he did so. His tail wagging behind him as he faced the white wolf that was his cousin.. “Hey Falcon, fight me!” He said with a wide grin. Playfully snapping his jaws in the air in the other wolf's direction. “I bet we could really make the leaves fly around us if we did that!” he said in a way of explanation. Already putting forward the defences he had started to learn. Spreading out his weight across paws that crunched on the loose leaves beneath him.

He hoped Falcon agreed, because he just knew it would be a lot of fun!

Wc: 854/1500


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1. To victory! Cryer's Ravine 05:47 PM, 12-26-2022 03:35 AM, 02-13-2024