
Can You Feel It Too?


10-18-2013, 12:06 AM

The dark gray-furred woman had been sleeping in her den, curled up to keep herself from being cold by the autumn winds. Her dreams had been carrying her to that place once again, the place that was filled with wonderful possibilities that could only happen with time in real life. In her dream, she was a bit younger, giving her the energy to help her race faster and longer than she was used to. Aeil's form was more fit, less stiff, and more eager to tackle the handsome male that was in front of her. He just showed up out of the blue, making her heart race even more and her blue eyes sparkle.
Their embrace was warm and welcoming, sweet kisses given across their muzzles and playful yips as a game of chase began. She was the one being chased, looking over her shoulder to see if he was close behind her. Sure enough, he was within nipping range of her tail, and that only made her want to run faster. Instead, she slipped and rolled forward, making him brake too late and slide into her. The two rolled and landed on their sides, facing each other with big grins. It all seemed so good to be true and before she could speak, a gentle nudging woke her up.
Reality came crashing back for Aeil as Dragon's words soothingly spoke in her ears. She twitched them, making them flatten and perk before her eyes sleepily blinked open. Aeil gave a huge yawn, slowly looking up to greet the man who had been on her mind for the past three seasons. A smile crept across her face and she tenderly nuzzled him with her wet nose. "Good morning, Dragon," she replied, tones warm and gentle with the oncoming morning. "How did you sleep? I've missed you..." The last sentence was spoken quietly, a pink flush appearing on her cheeks.
