
How Bright The World



5 Years
10-18-2013, 12:17 AM (This post was last modified: 10-18-2013, 10:01 PM by Jakart.)
The only male pup didn't quite care that he was born unto a world with a shiver and cough, the pup taking in the new sensations of the membrane being licked off of his body. Or the blood that matted his fur and stung his nose that left a coppery taste in his maw. A low whimper sounded out of him as he was licked clean and picked up by the nape of his neck. The being that instinct told him was mother deposited him by her side next to his sister, the only other sibling having been brought unto this world. A whimper and a cry came from his maw as he hungrily searched for a teat to nurse on by feeling with his cheeks.

Jakart weakly attempted to crawl up his mothers side towards the scent of milk, the blind pup almost falling if it wasn't for the fact that he was till damp as he clung to his mothers fur. The search continued until he came next to his sister and crawled over her alongside in the direction of his mothers foreleg, a teat finally being grazed against with a cheek. Warmth and a sense of fulfillment over came the pup as his tiny maw clamped on and began to suckle, the male newborn's paws prodding and pressing against his mothers side to make the flow of warm milk constant.

"Jakart, Jakart is the wiggly one." A baritone voice rumbled, the voice of the father, but the pup named Jakart didn't know that. All that was important to him right now was to feed and then to sleep against his mothers side.