
Enchant Me




Master Navigator (240)

Advanced Fighter (65)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
12-26-2022, 11:24 PM

She tried to not be disappointed when Cerberus admitted that he had to go since she already knew that would be the answer, but she couldn't help but feel just a bit selfish with her disappointment. She didn't reply other than to hold him a little tighter, soaking in her time with him while she could before he had to leave to do his patrol. She knew that he'd be back in the morning and it wasn't like he would be gone for a long time, but right after he got back she would be expected to go start her day and they would just continue to be ships passing in the night. She didn't like it and she hoped that he would be off this odd schedule soon so they could go back to spending their nights cuddled together again.

A moment later, just as they had begun to fall into silence once more, she felt Cerberus begin to shift and she blinked open her eyes to see him move in the dim lighting of the bit of moonlight that filtered in through the cave's entrance. "Cerb?" she questioned softly in almost a whisper, but she didn't try to stop him as he slipped from her embrace and shifted his body till his larger frame was settled over her own. She had been on her side while she was cuddling with him, but the movement and shift of their bodies put her almost onto her stomach so that his chest was against her back. It was such a sudden change and a new kind of position to be in that it caught her off guard, making her tense for a moment as her ears flicked uncertainly, but when his cheek pressed to hers and his muzzle traced the side of her neck it made her breath catch and her body start to relax into his again.

"Cerberus..." she breathed as her reeling mind tried to keep up with what was going on and what she was feeling, but it was hard to do as he nuzzled against the side of her neck and throat and his large paws followed the curves of her quickly maturing body. She didn't have a full thought or sentence to say, words escaping her despite the question and emotion that lingered in her voice. There was something in her core that seemed to tighten and warm at this feeling of having his body over hers, causing her eyes to flicker closed while she soaked in his attention and affection. She had always enjoyed the attention she got from her brothers, but this was an entirely new feeling and it was heady and intoxicating even if she didn't fully understand it.

"Rusalka Alondra Klein"