
Can't Drink You Away



11 Years
Athena I
10-18-2013, 01:02 AM

The white, scarred fea breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the black, white, and gray form of her daughter dart out of the den toward her. Alena padded forward a few more steps before sitting back on her haunches and laughing as the pup ran into her forelegs. She showered Jian with affectionate kisses and looked up to see Dempsey and the rest of the pups emerging from the den. So they were all here after all! She looked to Dempsey, a deep appreciation for the male warming her and bringing a smile to her muzzle. He really had no reason to stay once she disappeared, but he had stayed and now her pups were alive and well. Jian's weight worried her a little, but that could be remedied easily. As long as they were all here and well, that's all she cared about.

She noticed Dempsey tense in the corner of her eye and that's when she caught the scent of the brute she had honestly never expected to see again. She turned her violet gaze to Bane, watching him with confusion as he exchanged words with Dempsey, both of them looking hostile. She couldn't hear what they said from where she was so she was unaware of the threats that Bane made. She rose to her paws and said, "Bane, what are you doing?" Alena watched Bane approach Nako, the only pup of the litter that Bane had named, and stunned Alena by knocking the gray pup out. Her hackles raised and a snarl distorted her lips as furry rose in her, limping as quickly as she could toward Bane. She only got a couple steps toward him, however, before he growled threateningly at her, halting her in her tracks.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, Bane?!" she yelled at him as he picked up the antler he had brought with him. She watched in stunned horror as the father of her pups carved into Nako's skin with the antler, drawing blood, before picking up him and the antler and running into the forest. She lunged forward to follow him and the blood trail that he left behind, but she only got a few steps before a wave of pain jerked her to a halt. The sudden, forced movement tore open the tender, healing skin on her shoulder, causing blood to trickle into her coat yet again. She watched Bane escape with her injured child, her heart shattering and tears forming in her eyes. She threw her head toward the sky, the howl that passed her lips filled with the loss, pain, and sheer rage that filled her.
