
I Feel It Everyday



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (215)

Advanced Healer (75)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
12-28-2022, 08:56 PM
The two of them had been steady doing what they could for Valta as the pack was getting it's bearings and settling into the new territories. That seemed like ages ago and maybe it had been. But as things started to settle, all of the time between then and now started to blur together. Everything but those deeper moments Vanille shared with Arcturus, and of course her favorite time of the day where they would meet in his den for the night. It was a life she was growing accustomed to.

She had decided they needed a break, or more that he did. Not that they were really working too hard. Valta was very relaxing, filled with a number of capable and skilled wolves to hunt and take patrols or go scouting for other resources. But she still felt like the little get away would be worth it.

She didn't really have anything planned for the night, just for that true alone time the two of them could share. It did feel different in some way the further they made their way from the borders. Maybe there was a part of her that was just feeling a little bit too young and girly, Arc seemed to pull that out of her the longer they stayed together.

She had picked up some sticks and logs along the way, placing them in a temporary bag she had found in the pack stores that had flint to start the fire. The autumn into winter was growing cold so she planned ahead for that. She guessed it was the perfect time to make a trip like this. Near the cliffs edge, not too close of course, she started the fire with Arcturus' help setting up their little camp under the partly cloudy skies. And soon she would join him to settle by the growing fire. Laying with her side hooked to his, a paw reaching forward to clasp with his, and her gaze looking up at the stars while she leaned her head into him.

"Arc & Vanille"