
only the passionate are immortal

for Sierra



Advanced Fighter (70)

Advanced Hunter (60)

2 Years

Ooh La La
12-28-2022, 09:52 PM

A dark-colored, very small girl trotted up to Rhian, who couldn't resist a little curl of her lips in humor at just how short her new opponent was. She was not so very tall herself, and considered herself pretty average-sized among wolves. It was funny to think of this girl next to an actually tall wolf. But she didn't want to offend in case she turned out to be surprisingly good at fighting... although when she asked an utterly inane question, Rhian was beginning to reconsider not making the girl the butt of all of her own internal jokes, probably for years to come. "Of course I am, sweetheart," she purred. "Now shouldn't you be home with your mommy and daddy?"

Rhian, as it turned out, wasn't very good at being nice.

Still, she would give the girl, who probably wasn't even all that much younger than her, to tell the truth, a fight, if that was what she wanted. Beginning a slow, prowling circle with her defenses set, she decided suddenly that she should probably try to actually clarify that before she got too ahead of herself. "Just a friendly spar?" When the girl agreed, Rhian would lunge straight at her, hopefully before she even realized what was happening, and seek to barrel into her at full force, using her larger body to topple both of them over and end up on top of the girl, her right paw then slamming down on her chest or side to try to keep her down.

Rhian vs Sierra for Spar
Round 1/x
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Medium
Build: Medium
Mutation 1: Elongated fangs - Offensive
Skills: Novice Fighter & Intermediate Hunter


Rhian has a lisp due to her elongated fangs, which I may or may not actually remember / care enough to write out!