
only the passionate are immortal

for Sierra


12-28-2022, 10:08 PM

Sierra snorted, exasperation in the tone. “Oh, a short joke. That’s original” She said. She had siblings, she knew when a wolf was pulling her tail. She watched as the other wolf began to circle her, and set her stances. Falling into the familiar rhythm her mother had taught her.

As the wolf spoke again, she raised her tiny silver brows at the stranger. “I guess that depends how funny you think you are” She said, her voice dry. A moment later, she realised the other wolf had taken that for ‘go’ and was lunging. Sierra was tiny, but that meant she was a hard-to-hit, moving target. The second the other wolf movement, Sierra was kicking dirt, lunging to the side to avoid the initial attack of the larger stranger. She was very accustomed to the wolves around her throwing their weight around. Like it meant something. Grinning and breathing through the adrenaline, she felt only the very tip of Rhian’s attack. Feeling the force of air as the other wolf landed beside her. Sierra turned then, and attempted to grab at the downed wolf’s shoulder. Attempting a quick nip with her elongated fangs.

Sierra vs Rhion for Spar
Round 1/2
Age: Over one
Size: Extra small
Build: Light
Mutation 1: Saber Fangs - Offensive
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Beginner Healer

"Sierra of the Sea"