
Can You Feel It Too?


10-18-2013, 02:30 AM

A gentle chuckle and soft sigh of breath would escape his inky lips, a soft and caring smile lifting the corners of his mouth as she awoke. Oh how beautfiul she looked in the mornings...and any time he saw her really. This was the woman that had been on his mind for a long time, and the thought of her would never leave his mind. He knew there was a connection, there had to be. He had been feeling this way since they met about three seasons ago, and it was a day he would never forget for as long as he was alive...and beyond that. Gently he would nuzzle her face, his touch filled with such careful emotion as he responded. "I slept well, I've missed you too..." he breathed. The days that had passed with him being in Seracia grew longer, the season of fall reminding him that he was growing older. So many years ago he had left his pack in search of something more, and he knew that he had found it. Aeil had become such a big part in his life now, and he never wanted to lose that. Not like the way he lost his friends and family all that time ago. He would die to protect her, of this he was sure.

With care, he moved behind her to lie down. The cold autumn air would often leave him quivering in his den, longing for the warmth and touch of the one that constantly walked within his dreams. No matter where he was or what he was doing...she was always upon his mind. Dragon lowered his body, pressing his chest against her back as he then draped his head across her back and tenderly licked the side of neck as if he were grooming her. Simply touching her made his heart pound, and with the time they had spent together and getting to know each other, he became less shy and slightly more bold. Of course, he would still become tongue-tied and shy around her, but it was a given considering the way she would make his belly flutter and his heart jump with just a simple touch. Gently he would inhale her scent...her oh so intoxicating scent. She was the only woman who walked the Earth who could make him feel this way, and he enjoyed every second of her company. "Did you sleep well, Aeil? I hope you don't mind my gets cold in my den sometimes..." He knew it was a poor excuse, but it was the best he could manage right now as he continued to caress her warm body and soft fur in gentle licks.
