
clever as the devil and twice as pretty

open spar!



Master Fighter (240)

Advanced Hunter (70)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Fail!Christmas 2019Treat 2019
12-30-2022, 01:52 AM

The woman accepted his intent to spar her. Good. She even introduced herself to him, and he nodded in greeting. "Tyto. He responded in turn. It had been years since he had seen the woman or heard that name, so the vague familiarity that she felt was completely over his head. The man didn't even have contact with his own family. He had opted to abandon them after they had abandoned him, and it was very likely that he would deny any and all association with his blood. Hell, he had even ditched his family surname and made his own. A clean slate. Even his sister was dead to him.

He settled into a defensive stance, magenta gaze observing her and those long fangs she had. She wouldn't be the first nor the last he would fight with longer-than-average was just going to be a matter of keeping those things from getting a hold of him. Finally, when they were both ready, she rushed at him. Banshee came hurtling towards him in an effort to close the distance. He narrowed his gaze, weight evenly distributed as his joints bent to lower himself a bit. He was ready to move, and when he did, it was to strike when she got close. Her chest aimed for his right shoulder. Lowering his head a bit, he coiled his hind legs and sprung forward, jutting the point of his right shoulder forward as he also shot forward like a javelin, aiming to drive the point of his shoulder into her to worsen the impact and potentially bruise her (he of course, would definitely get a bruised shoulder). And as she aimed to grab his forelegs, he sought to slam the side of her head with his own. A gnarly headbutt, if you will, to knock her jaws off course.

Tyto vs Banshee for Spar
Round: 1/2
Age: Over 1yr
Size: Extra large
Build: Medium
Companion 1: Verreaux's eagle-owl, Male - Battle
Companion 2: Eurasian lynx, Male - Battle
Skills: Expert Fighter & Advanced Hunter


Tyto has an owl companion named Ven & a lynx companion named Nox. Assume they are with him at all times unless otherwise stated!