
CRUNCH, Go The Leaves

Viscera Fighting Seasonal



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Advanced Hunter (105)

4 Years
12-30-2022, 04:40 AM
The slate and white boy grins broadly at her and the earthen girl cannot help but throw caution to the wind and play with him. Usually her uncertainty would have Terra tucking her tail and acting submissively toward the stranger, afraid of doing something… anything to that might offend him. But here, surround by autumn leaves and the girl just cannot find it in herself to be afraid. She even gives him a wag as the challenge is thrown down and the boy shrugs his large shoulders, stating that he won’t bite if she won’t.

As his deep voice rumbles past pale lips, his tones pull a joyful, eager grin onto her dark lips and a soft, musical giggle spills out as she dips down into a play bow. Tail wags with furious abandon over her back as she happily slaps the leaves with her black lined paws, happy and more than a little nervous to be playing with another, yet unknown, wolf. He lunges at her, larger body moving right for her and, in that split second her mind finally registers the size difference. The smaller girl cannot stop the soft, “Eep!” that rings out as he bares down on her.

Now, to her credit, Terra does not back down which, for the normally skittish girl, is a big accomplishment. Instead, she pushes off the leave cluttered ground with her long, agile legs and a laugh rolls past her dark lips as her emerald eyes sparkle with joy. For a moment, they are just two kids, romping through the crunchy autumn leaves and enjoying the day and company. Paws shift and send color raining down around them as soft, playful growls fill the air. They feint and lunge, snap at empty air and roll across the ground in the greatest leaf battle of their time.

Terra’s heart thunders in her chest as the pair fight for the right to this patch of leaves and, in the end, the slate and white boy is the one to claim the victory. His larger, heavier body manages to ensnare her and he squishes her under his chest as she squeals and gently smacks a paw against his fur, proclaiming, “Alright, alright! You win! You can have these leaves!” Laughter follows her as she is released and the earthen girl rolls onto her belly, panting heavily as a smile tugs her lips upward.

She does not move to stand and instead allows her emerald gaze to sweep his form. Darting her tongue over her lips to wet them, she says, “You’re a really good fighter! I’m Terra, by the way. These leaves are all your’s, fair and square.” Tail lightly wags behind her, sending the colorful ground cover every which way. She does not move to get to up and is content to catch her breath in the presence of the boy… which is a huge, trusting step for the normally nervous girl.

WC: 490
Total WC: 1787 / 1500

"Terra Qilaq"

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