
Promises are all that drive us



"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
12-30-2022, 06:17 AM
The young Andromeda hears the words leave her mouth, feeling a strange disconnect from them and the pain that rages inside her. Tears prick the corners of her eyes as she admonishes him for not being emotionally available to the kids in the time following their mother’s death and, while it is true that she cannot comprehend the pain that her father feels at the sudden and jarring loss of Zee, the lavender pup does know that they can all heal… together. Yet, in the family’s greatest time of need, Sirius has chosen to withdraw into his own grief and loss and become angry at the world.

Tears spill down her purple cheeks as she finishes her speech, the need to slink away and nurse her broken heart in private drives Andy away. However, she does not get far as the sound of her nickname reaches her ears. Paws hesitate, causing her steps to falter as Sirius intercepts her and she turns bright, red-rimmed eyes up to him. There is pain and an immeasurable depth of loneliness resting in the pale blues but she stops her movement to stare up at him defiantly. Idly she wonders if she went too far with her speech and silently wishes mom was here to quell the burning rage that boils in him.

She notices the line of his jaw stiffen for a moment and a great sense of shame slams into her suddenly, hollow chest, almost stealing the air from her lungs. Knees wobble and lip trembles as she stands there, waiting for the world to end… or for her father to do… something. But the world still turns and, for such a large wolf, Sirius can be surprising gentle when the time calls for it as he scoops her up and softly talks to her. Andy melts into his strong yet gentle touch and her face moves to bury itself in his thick fur so she can inhale the scent that surrounds her family.

It is not just his scent but the scent of their mother, of home, and their pack. It is safe and warm; loving and painful… and right now Andy clings to it and the wonderful memories it drags up, with all her might. Small legs move to embrace her father as a sob hitches in her chest and she nods against his fur, not yet trusting her voice but listening to what he has to say. He leans down to kiss her forehead and she pulls slightly away from him so that his kiss finds its mark before blinking open her tear-filled eyes. She does not interrupt him as he goes on, and nods along, allowing him to say his piece while continuing to gaze up at him.

As silence falls between them, the young pup’s voice softly speaks up, saying, “I know dad and… you’re not in this alone. We are all trying to cope and figure out life without mom. But… you don’t have to do it alone. We’re family dad and that means we help each other. No matter what.” A small paw lifts as she aims to gently place it against his broad chest before continuing, “You are a better person than you were and it is okay to be angry. Just… try to remember that we love you, dad… and want to help.”  A small pause falls as she seeks to catch his bright blue eyes with her pale gaze and says, I love you dad. Just… don’t forget that… okay?”

Andy knows all too well how consuming grief is and she doesn’t want her father to get lost in its strong currents. The girl is trying to offer him a lifeline… if he wants it.

"Andromeda Fatalis"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.