


10-18-2013, 03:48 AM

The talk of war had not gone unheard. Pacifica's ears rang with the words that she had heard her new king speak of, sending three warriors to Valhalla to aid in the of them being Pontifex. She had been nearby, collecting some herbs to store away in her own den to use later should she or another would need them. she thought about giving them to the healer, but for now she would collect what she could as a backup should something happen to the healers own store of herbs. At the time, she had remained in the shadows, hidden away from the king and his little meeting...though the call was loud, she had thought about responding but stopped herself upon hearing Maverick's last words to the three warriors who volunteered. Her heart had stopped when she saw Pontifex among them, offering his help. Unable to show herself at that time, she turned and fled back to Seracia and straight to her den. There she had lied down, staring at the wall of her den and turning her back on the outside world. Why though? She wasn't quite sure...though she figured it would have something to do with the way she felt about him. Since the day they met, she had felt something...though she wasn't sure if he felt anything for her. She knew she had affection for him, but she was much too shy to say anything. Perhaps if she saw him today before he left to Valhalla something would happen...or at the very least, she could ask him to be careful and ask him to come home safely. She shuddered to think that today might be the last day she'd see him...she felt that her world would come crashing down if he died in battle...

The thoughts felt strange but at the same time they felt right...even though they had met not so long ago, she just couldn't bear the thought of him disappearing that way. She couldn't bear the thought of losing him. At least not before finding out if he felt what she did...with a sigh, she would raise herselt and leave her den to search for him. Perhaps he would be back from the meeting with Maverick and the others...hopefully, they could have one last meeting before he left for war. She of course would remain and aid in helping the refugees, but she knew at the same time, her mind would be constantly on him. Perhaps, she could ask the king if she could go and aid in the medical field...she wanted to be sure that he would be okay. With a renewed determination, she went into the edge of the woods near her den and waited.
