
The Times They Are A-Changin'




Intermediate Fighter (30)

Advanced Hunter (105)

4 Years
12-30-2022, 05:39 PM

With the help of Lotus, the earthen girl has felt herself growing in leaps in bounds since their fateful meeting. Many of her old fears have begun to melt away as she finds that excitement is more commonplace nowadays along with happiness and an eagerness to live. For her, life had stalled for the many months she had been holed up in a cave, waiting on her family that she knew would never come back for her. Darkness had begun to pull her mind down into a spiral that she knew she would not survive. But then, like a beacon of light and hope, Lotus appeared to chase the shadows

His steady, reassuring presence has helped her and having someone to curl up with at night has helped Terra’s night terrors to lessen in frequency. Still, change is scary and the large, strange pillars that tower over her in this place sends a familiar ice-cold chill lance of fear stabbing painfully into her mind and she instinctively shrinks back toward her protector. It is easy to fit her smaller body into his side, it a familiar, safe place that brings her quiet strength and she is to finally voice her question the safety of this place.

Lotus always knows how to quell the jabbering demons in her head that seem to mock and scream their doubts at her in every new situation and he stands there, tall and strong, watching over her as he speaks. A nod is given and she walks with him, tucked safely into his side as he approaches the pillar, not wishing to get close to it but also unwilling to detached herself from his side. His encouraging words have her looking at the pillar with determination and Terra finally moves slightly away from him so that she can touch the strange object for herself.

A black-lined paw slowly lifts until it gently comes to rest on the inexplicable stone structure. For a moment, Terra allows her paw against it before she moves it to trace the rough face that stares at her. Looking around at the fallen and half submerged siblings of the column, she silently ponders the wide-open space and thinks about what an interesting obstacle course they make. Emerald eyes turn back to the stones in front of her and she gives them a strong push with her paw, noting the way they do not budge or shudder under the weight that pressed into them.

Stepping back, she allows her paw to fall back to the earth before Terra turns her gaze up to her strong protector. With a small smile, she says, “They do seem strong and I don’t think they’ll be moving anytime soon. It… seems safe. Hey, you know… they do make a cool little arena for racing. Imagine jumping over those and then having to climb this guy!” As she begins to speak, her voice is slow and thoughtful but, as she goes on, it picks up in tempo until excitement laces every word. Her paw traces an invisible for him to as her tail wags and she wonders if Lotus would want to race her.

"Terra Qilaq"

Lotus is allowed in any of Terra's threads, regardless of tag