


10-18-2013, 04:32 AM

So that was the scent...a Glaciem wolf. Oh how the winds of fate would turn to him, tempting him into something that he desired yet at the same time refrained from doing so boldly. His eyes would turn cold, cerulean orbs taking in her defensive stance as if expecting him to attack her any second. He scoffed, he was no low life...her words would reach him, and an instant spark of curiosity would reach his eyes. "Hmph, do not think that because a welp of ours has done your pack wrong that we will bow down and play your game. That foolish girls problem is not mine own, however, I won't turn away from a fight. I hope you are a decent opponent."

He eyed her, a gruff escaping his throat as he decided to allow her the first move. He was sure that whatever she so chose to throw at him, he could easily counter. He was trained as a mercenary after all, nonetheless he was taught to never underestimate the opponent. If she was blinded by the anger of the follies of his pack, then her judgment would be clouded if only a little. At last, he would spread his legs for equal weight, knees bent slightly for quick movement, toes splayed for balance and claws digging into the earth, tail tucked under his body should she try to get behind him and aim for his backside, his teeth would bare in a snarl as his muzzle wrinkled in a menacing fashion, readying to protect any attacks towards his face. Scruff would become scrunched for some protection as his head lowered over his neck to thwart off any vital attack. Narrowing his eyes and flattening his ears flat to his skull, he glared through dual-toned slits at the she-wolf, snarled bark erupting between fangs as he challenged her to come at him. He was oh so ready for her, his body readying for quick movement...then again, he was always on his toes. One never knew when an ambush would ensue out of the blue.

Fight Stats

Round: 0/3

Defenses: Legs spread for equal balance, knees bent, toes splayed, claws dug into the earth, tail tucked, teeth bared to protect his face, scruff is scrunched, head lowered over his throat, narrowed eyes, ears flattened to his skull.

Attacks: None

Injuries: N/A

Out Of Character Notes: Yay first spar for me lol good luck (Think i'm sayin' that more for my sake lmao) XD <3