


10-18-2013, 04:49 AM

The dual toned man remained silent, his glance casting about their surroundings as if expecting to be ambushed any moment. Though it was unlikely, especially being so close to Seracia's heartland, he wouldn't put it past their current enemies to start an early war and ambush Valhalla's messengers. After some moments, he would return his attention to those before him. Listening quietly as Obsidian mentioned their numbers. He had no input here, being new to the pack he had no idea how many pups there were at the moment as he had not yet gotten a chance to integrate into the pack well enough to find out just yet. After the queen had spoken, it came to Sephiroth's mind that there might be others seeking refuge other then their own pack members. Perhaps to avoid being pulled into the war without consent or forced into it by the Glaciems or other wolves of power. Clearing his throat briefly, he spoke "Though this is just a thought of forewarning, I have a feeling that there may be others who might attempt to seek refuge from this war. Perhaps those that may want to avoid having anything to do with it or avoid being forced into it from our new enemy. I am sure rogues as well as Valhallans among others may seek refuge...after all, this war not only affects affects all of Alacritis."

He glanced from queen to king and back, wondering if they would take heed to his words. Though he was not of important rank, he figured that he would put his thoughts out there...after all, a war never affected just two parties. Now, Seracia would become a part of it. And with them, many more lives would be at stake...with Glaciems pride, he was sure that they would make an enemy of Seracia as well. Alacritis would be at war soon enough, and all who called these lands home would be pulled into turmoil if it wasn't stopped soon.