Ehhh that’s good enough - mediocretes
12-31-2022, 05:03 PM
Áskell snarled as Ari removed the bandages to check on his wounds. During the strange, mystical autumn he'd dreamed of his brother and awoke with severe lacerations on the inside of his forearms that were almost certain to scar permanently. Ari sighed. "You've been having a year."
Áskell nodded. "No kidding… first the pneumonia, then the memory loss, now this… am I doing something wrong? Have I angered some spirit?" Ari spread a salve on his injuries and began to bandage them up. "Its difficult for me to say, but I think a cleansing ritual is in order when you are up to it." Áskell nodded in agreement and cast his mind from the pain to the sunlight streaming through the bamboo leaves. Here in Auster summer was just about to arrive and he looked forward to the bright, warm weather. Perhaps it could warm up the coldness that had settled in his gut.
"Ok, enough Ari, they're bandaged enough." He pulled hid limbs from his companion, ignoring the macaque's stare.