
Let it be



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-18-2013, 06:16 AM

It was nauseating imagining Glaciem trying to ambush Valhalla, but she couldn't even begin to think of what might happen if they somehow caught wind that Seracia might be aiding their allies. Epiphron could only hope they would steer clear of them, for the mere possibility of her children being in danger made her stomach churn. With what she'd heard about those wolves, they weren't past snatching children in the darkness of night. Absolutely deplorable.

A smile painted her own features, a gently and kind expression, despite the worries that welled beneath those blue eyes of hers. "And I appreciate the willingness to help," she said surely, nodding her head slowly as she watched her, considering. "Would you be willing to take on the rank of Baroness?" She couldn't imagine Maverick would object. There needed to be a bit more wolves taking charge, especially with war on the all-too-near horizon. God forbid something happened to either her of Maverick, or any other high-ranking wolves, there had to be some order to ensure security here.

The fox spoke up, saying Rivaxorus had been a commander in her old pack. That was good news, but she didn't want to think of having to actually send wolves to fight. But the woman knew if Glaciem's forces were strong, she would not let Valhalla walk into a fight they might lose without some help.

But the talk of Arian made her soften infinitely. The girl was wise beyond her years, and never did she regret taking her in. "An Adravendi will always be cared for," she ensured her. Even if she still identified with her parents -- and Epiphron wouldn't blame her for that -- she was not an Adravendi-Mathias child, too, and would never be treated otherwise. "Your father?" She would question, knowing that individuals rarely brought up subjects unless part of them, even if it was pushed deep inside, wanted to discuss it.