
bad decisions make for great stories




4 Years
01-01-2023, 12:55 AM

Did Jack have anything to be sappy over? To be sentimental over? Maybe that was something to get sappy and sad about in and of itself. Was it? Nah. She would be fine here, perched among the furs, living every day like it was her last. Couldn't dwell on what you couldn't touch. Was she supposed to have regrets? For someone who was allergic to most forms of meaningful connection, the idea of really any of those feelings was strange to her. Here she was, enjoying her evening with a stranger, and trying not to look too far forwards or too far backwards. Better to just focus on what was at the tip of her nose.

And the thing at the tip of her nose right now as Deion. Had he been this near all along? Well damn, Jack supposed he had. It was comfortable here, and she didn't mind that at all. The behemoth seemed to be rummaging for something, and Jack couldn't help but admit she was curious. The good stuff? Well, she was certainly appreciative. Her tail wagged lightly, feeling the alcohol as it soaked her bloodstream. All in good fun, after all. An appreciative chuckle in her throat as he returned with the dusty bottle and dinner, a pleasant surprise.

The smell of the salted goat colored the cheerful smoke as it swirled around their heads. "Really pulling out all the stops tonight," a rakish grin flickered across her features. Jack settled ever closer to the colorful behemoth, taking a sip from the bottle. "Damn you weren't kidding, that's fucken great." And it was. Jack relaxed, cocking her hip and shifting her weight. The space between them seemed to grow ever smaller as the pair relaxed and drank, settling into the evening. "You planning on hiding out in here all winter?" It was a curious, appraising question. Jack couldn't do small talk, but this seemed to be a bit more than small, at least in her mind.

Jack O’Malley
looking half a corpse
and half a god
[Image: zF70lPR.png]