
I knock the ice from my bones

Hunting seasonal for Dragon



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
01-01-2023, 12:59 AM

He slowly made his way forward. Silent step by silent step. The stranger was also on the young ungulates tail. Figuratively, of course. But he had no doubt that they would be literally here pretty soon. Bi-colored gaze moved from the prey to the wolf, back and forth as he tried to decide what to do. It was clear the animal was hurt. Its hind limb dragged in the thin snow and it appeared unable to put any weight on it. Maybe that's why it was alone. Perhaps the herd decided to move on without it and just left it behind. The world was cruel, and it would be no different for this young bull. Left behind in a dog-eat-dog world. Or in this case, wolves eat caribou. He took a breath, pressing his head lower so that the veil of mist that came out wouldn't give him away. He was mostly able to blend in with the snowy landscape, save for his black markings, but to unsuspecting prey, he could often be mistaken for simple snow and rocks.

He glanced again at the stranger, wondering if she was going to make a move or not. But instead, he happened to catch her staring back at him. She seemed to be trying to get his attention, motioning between him and the caribou. It didn't take an expert to understand what she was getting at, so he nodded quietly and started to move into position. He couldn't deny he was good at what he did. And those that knew him from his past would also probably boast about his skill in a hunt. Though he was a humble man, he took pride when it came to hunting. It was the one thing he had always been truly good at, and he hoped the stranger was good, too.

Cloud moved forward with stealth, one paw after another, using what he could for cover and stopping at a standstill whenever the young bull looked in his direction. So far, it seemed like the two wolves might be able to take a completely silent approach to this and get close enough to kill it before it even realized what was happening. But even if it ran with that injured leg, there was no way it would be able to get very far. Not with two healthy wolves nearby. Still, just in case, Cloud made sure he'd be able to block off its escape should it see the other wolf and make a run for it...

WC: 1,324/1,500