
I knock the ice from my bones

Hunting seasonal for Dragon



Intermediate Healer (45)

Expert Hunter (180)

6 Years

01-01-2023, 01:15 AM
The monochrome wolf appeared to understand what she was trying to convey, moving quickly into position. Iðunn used the fact that the young caribou had its back to her as an advantage, able to stalk forward without too much worry about being spotted. Her earthen-hued coat was a bit of an eyesore amongst the snow, but luckily there was the occasional shrub or treetop she could hide in when needed. The two wolves moved in closer and closer on the unsuspecting caribou, and she extended her fangs into their attack position once she was close enough to begin the next phase of the hunt.

Giving one last glance toward the other wolf to make sure they were ready to go, Iðunn leaped forward as silently as she could into a dead sprint. Immediately the young caribou noticed her, whether it was from the sound of her paws against the snow or the vibrations each paw step caused she wasn't sure. It let out a surprised snort, almost a squeal, and attempted to break into a run. But she had the advantage of speed on her side, and it barely took a couple elongated steps before her jaws had clamped down upon its uninjured hind leg.

Sharp front fangs tore into the strong tendons of its leg, and she dug her hind legs into the snow to try and stop it from running off with her in two. With one bad leg, and the other about to be just as injured, the young caribou wasn't able to get very far, even as it tried to kick out somewhat uselessly at her. She just hoped the other wolf would take the opportunity to give it a swift death while she had it moving at a hobbled pace.

Word count: 1619/1500
When Iðunn's speech is in italics it means she's speaking in Swedish