
Can't Drink You Away


10-18-2013, 06:57 AM

The older wolf came up to one of the pups, Nako. A growl ran through Dempsey's frame and his muscles tensed. "Don't touch him." It was a command not a suggestion. He wanted to run to the pup and just snatch him back, but he knew that running would cause a stir. Rolling his shoulders forward and his hackles raised he started to walk slowly toward the unknown male and Nako.

"You interrupt me, I'll kill him. You follow me, I'll kill him."

Dempsey stopped dead in his tracks. Every muscle in his body pushed to burst forward and snatch Alena's pup away from this monster who would kill children, but he had to hold them still. The brute shook with anger and restraint. His eyes burned holes in the other man, but he would not, could not, look away. The older wolf knocked young Nako out, earning a slight growl from Dempsey that he could not keep inside. His feet, however, stayed where they were. Then the male started to carve a design into Nako's shoulder. Dempsey seethed with anger. What was this idiocracy?

"You've got what you wanted, now let the pup live with his family, with his brothers and sisters." The plea came out in a more condoning tone than Dempsey would have liked, but he just felt such disgust at the man who would wreck this pup's life. However, the wolf did not head his command and dragged the pup away. Powerless, Dempsey beat the ground with his paws and gnashed his teeth. Growl after growl slipped from his throat until the pup was gone.

He had not been paying much attention to Alena, but now he heard her howl of sorrow. When he looked to her she was bleeding and on the ground. "Pups, get in the den," He turned his gaze to them first. He would not lose another one. "Your mother and I will follow shortly." His eyes brook no argument and he hoped that they would just go willingly. Dempsey was not one to normally give orders to the pups or force them to do anything. Rather he liked to give them free will to do as they pleased and to find their own way, as long as they were safe and respectful, so this was a new to them for Dempsey to be so harsh.

Turning from the pups, Dempsey walked to Alena. "Oh Alena, I'm so sorry...I...I couldn't do anything...He said if I interrupted or followed...he would have killed Nako...I'm so sorry." Dropping to his knees, the big grey wolf started to lick at Alena's newly opened wound. It would help it to heal just a little until he could find an appropriate healer. Then he just wrapped his neck around her in a tight embrace. His body shook in silent heaves, as he held back tears. Now was not the time to cry of sadness, frustration, or anger. Alena needed a rock, and he would be one for her, but may no one say that he was unaffected by the scene or his inability to do anything. It rocked him. "Alena, we must get you back to the den. It will be safer there...and your other pups...they need you right now." Still he held onto her, just waiting until she decided to stand and walk to the den.
