
The Times They Are A-Changin'




Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Hunter (30)

3 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
01-01-2023, 02:51 AM

It’s difficult to figure out the terrain on the go, but Lotus managed to place his paws sure and steady as he tore across the ruins. Grinning and keeping Terra in his sights as she caught up to him, and then began to overtake him. A burst of speed keeps him in the lead, but not for long as her long nimble legs clear a few jumps faster than he could manage.

When Terra began to pull away, he frowned, confused, trying to follow her gaze and keep their obstacle course within his sights. Too distracted, he miscalculated his next jump and smacked his toe hard enough that he was sure he heard a crack. With a surprised yowl he pulled to a stop, jumping up and down as he waited for the burst of pain to ease.

Too late. Too late he didn’t realise the danger, and at the sound of her colliding with the stone his eyes shoot up. Only to see her falling. A pained scream escaped him as he launched himself forward. Broken toe forgotten as he tore across the ground. Kicking up dirt as he raced to get her in time. But he couldn’t compete with gravity. She hit the ground before he reached her, and he was already seeing stars. Shock blurring his vision, and the fear building up inside of him tore out in a pained cry. He fell to his knees at her side. At first shaking her, before he realised how very bad an idea that was. “Terra, Terra!” he cried, before raising his head and for the first time in his life letting out a desperate call for help. He didn’t care who heard him, who answered. He just needed someone to, please
