
One In a Melon

Bonus prompt - Melo



Master Intellectual (257)

Expert Healer (220)

An icon representing the specialty Merchant Merchant

3 Years
Dragon Mod
01-01-2023, 10:07 PM

Mom had taken her out today, but it wasn't very far. She said that the nearby willows were full of frogs and fish and that she should start learning how to hunt. But there was a bit of a problem with that. Rue wasn't interested in hunting. She would learn, of course. She'd know how to catch her own meals eventually, but her main interests didn't lie in hunting like her mom's. But even so, shortly after they got there, Medusa had shown her how to slap a few fish from the water before taking off after telling her she'd be back after Rue caught some. Rue's crimson gaze watched her disappear into the reeds, unsure where Medusa was going but used to being left alone. Which was fine, Rue liked her own company sometimes and Medusa leaving the kids to their own devices was pretty normal. But Rue wasn't about to start fishing, nope! She wasn't even hungry right now! Instead, she set about exploring the area, and almost right away she spotted some big round green plants or something on the other side of the pond. She skittered over to them, inspecting them, knocking on them, and even licking them. Hmm...they weren't very tasty...but they were round. No wait...oval? Oblong? She looked around as she noticed there were more! A whole patch of them, green things with dark green stripes...they looked like giant eggs! She walked over to a pretty big, round one. Rue tapped on it and heard a dull thunk. What were they!? Could she eat them? What was inside? She sat down and wondered while she stared at it, almost expecting it to hatch open at any moment.

WC: 283/2,500
