
don't fight fair and don't you cut your hair

for whoever kara wants :D



2 Years
Extra large
01-01-2023, 11:33 PM

With her thrashing beneath him it was difficult to maintain balance but Rhys was surprisingly able to both wrap his front legs around her neck and land the bite. The bite wouldn't do much damage to the babe but it did get her to stop thrashing, which was beneficial for the both of them. He was able regain his balance, allowing the majority of his weight to evenly distribute between two hind legs.

Her next assault came in a burst of two movements happening all at once. Not only did she lift her front paws up to quickly slash at his chest but she also went into for a snub at his throat. The slashing of paws was the least of his worries, the snub managed to get the male to release her scruff and gasp for air. A grunt could be heard as he tried to focus on his breathing, eyes bulged in response. In result, Rhys let go of her completely and all four paws were back on the ground.

As soon as those paws hit the ground Rhys lunged forward. With his shoulder jutted forward he attempted to shove the bone into her chest; simultaneously Rhys lifted his front right paw and aimed to sweep it behind her front left leg, at the lower joint, and hook the limb towards him. He hoped the combination of movements was enough to knock her off balance while keeping his jaws at the ready.

Rhysand vs Rhian for Spar
Round 2/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Extra large
Build: Light
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Beginner Intellectual