
A gift and a lesson




Extra small
01-02-2023, 02:27 AM

Verity had to tilt her head up quite a bit as Sirius stood up straight. She couldn't get over how big he was, but she figured he'd likely fell the same about her extremely small size. Even for a pup she was well below average in height and even on the slim side when it came to her build. Even his daughter Kite was so much taller then her, Verity was slowly coming to the realization that these lands were full of Wolves much, much, larger then her and she'd need to learn how to defend herself. Not all were going to be so kind like her new family members. - Her Father swept into her mind, but only for a moment. Verity feared one day he may even be an enemy she might have to fight off. - The girl cleansed her mind of such thoughts and focus on her Grandfather.

Sirius offered warm greetings, a smile, and a question. Verity nodded quickly with a smile of her own, "Yes, of course! I was just organizing my herbs, nothing exciting." Okay, it was a little exciting to her. But, not nearly as exciting as spending the day with Seere. "What are we gonna do?" Her tail wagged gently, she figured he had something planned for them. Seeing as he came all this way.

Verity hadn't guessed what came next. Sirius offered her a leather satchel, explaining and displaying the various pockets. The youngling's eyes went wide and her lower jaw nearly hit the ground. That tail went wild, "It's exactly what I've been dreaming of!" The babe ran at Sirius aiming to hug his front leg for a few moments. Her eyes stung with tears but she blinked them away, "You are seriously the best. This will help so much!" She unlatched herself from Seere and turned back towards the bag. Without hesitation she'd slip her head through the strap and allow it to hang over a shoulder. It was a smidge large but she still had some growing to do. So, in the long run it'd be perfect. Verity took a step back and beamed at Seere, "Thank you." Her eyes remained glossy, the tears had been from the joy she was experiencing. No one other then her Mother had ever given her such a gift before.

Verity has a Miniature Donkey companion named Bernet and a Racoon named Mumo, it should be assumed they are nearby unless stated otherwise.
A leather satchel is usually slung over Verity's shoulder while out and about.
[Image: Banshee-icon.png][Image: Cairn-Icon.png][Image: incubus-icon.png][Image: rhysand-icon.png][Image: thyri-icon.png][Image: Vaella-icon.png][Image: verity-icon.png]