
I've Got a Rumbly In My Tumbly

Calico Jack!



Expert Fighter (170)

Expert Navigator (130)

11 Years
Large species
Dragon Mod

Critical Attack!1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Treat 2019
01-03-2023, 01:48 AM

So far so good...things seemed relatively quiet, and Balian was beginning to wonder if the rumors he had heard were simply that. Rumors. He snorted and rolled his eyes, probably now the butt of a joke somewhere with the wolves that had told him this place was dangerous. It was pretty desolate here with fallen trees and just...lifeless. His steps echoed through the Barren Hills as he decided to throw caution to the wind, making his way through so he could cut across to the next land over. Greener grass on the other side and all that. He didn't have to go far, however, before a call from his flying companion told him something was approaching, and as he perked his ears forward and waited, a...kid? came running up to him. Whoa! Where had he come from!? What was a kid doing out here? He didn't know how old this kid was, but shouldn't his parents be with him? At the kid's latter question, Balian snorted and tossed his head before looking at the kid again. "Of course I can understand you and talk, wolf kid! I'm not stupid!" He snorted again as he shook his head. "Where are you parents? Shouldn't they be here with you?" He questioned, though maybe this little wolf was old enough to be out on his own now? He wasn't sure. While yes, he had lived with one pack and currently lived in another, he still didn't know about the growth stages of wolves yet. When they went off on their own and all that stuff.

He was about to ask another series of questions when the boys hissing cat got his attention, and Balian wondered what on earth was twisting its tail. But then...he felt a tight grip on his mane, and the howler monkey, Idu, was sitting up and seemed tense. "What is it, Idu...?" He turned his head to glance at the primate, but before Idu could respond, the ground suddenly began to shake and violently buckled beneath him, nearly bringing the stallion to his knees in surprise as he was thrown off balance. He felt like his breath had been knocked from him even though nothing had hit him, and his heart hammered against his chest. He neighed in surprise, struggling to get his feet beneath him. Oh, but the kid! Was the kid okay?! "H-hey kid! Are you okay? We need to get outta here!" The only problem was, if they had to outrun the rest of this...he knew the kid wouldn't be able to keep up on his own.

WC: 946/1,500
