
One In a Melon

Bonus prompt - Melo



Master Intellectual (257)

Expert Healer (220)

An icon representing the specialty Merchant Merchant

3 Years
Dragon Mod
01-03-2023, 02:45 AM

With the stranger's help, they rolled the watermelon back to the rest of the patch. And while the stranger named Inoki looked for a watermelon of her own, Rue quietly clambered halfway onto hers and used her hind paws to slowly, and gently, roll the watermelon back and forth while her small body rested on it. She watched as Inoki picked one out, "Watch me closely," Rue watched her with intensity, crimson gaze never leaving the woman and what she was doing as she began to get to work. She watched as Inoki pressed down on the watermelon, and she heard a satisfying crack come from the fruit. Then she watched as she gently pried open part of it with her claw, listening to the woman's explanation about being careful not to crack the full length of it unless she wanted two halves. Hmm...well, Rue was pretty small. The watermelon she swore weighed more than she did, but still, thought up some things in her head while she watched Inoki work. When she was done, she looked at Rue, urging her to try it for herself. Rue gleefully nodded and slid off her watermelon, walking a couple of circles around it as she tried to figure out how she was supposed to use her weight (or lack thereof) to make a crack as Inoki had.

"Rue is small though, how can I-" Her gaze drifted towards the edge of the lake, and she spotted a sharp, pointed rock. "Aha!" She briefly abandoned her watermelon and ran over to pick it up. Grabbing it in her teeth, she ran back to the watermelon before it could roll away again and before anyone could say anything else, she whomped the top side of her watermelon with the pointed end of the rock and she heard a combination of crack-squish! And suddenly some red stuff splattered out! She dropped her rock and shook her head, eyes wide as she saw the juicy red stuff inside. "Watermelon!?" Despite her careless whomping, she had somehow managed not to destroy the fruit and its entirety, and (due to her lack of strength at this age), had managed to make a good-sized hole at the top, albeit a messy one that had caved in the top of the rind, but hey, at least there was an opening now!

"I opened it!" She exclaimed, before licking her lips and...realized that watermelon tasted sweet!? She had never tasted anything like this! Without anyone needing to urge her, she set to scooping out the insides of the watermelon, carefully setting some of it to the side on some broad leaves, while also eating some in between stashing it. It was juicy and sweet, and before long, she had a half-empty watermelon with a good crack on the top. She couldn't get further in without breaking it more, so instead, she used her teeth to gently pull off bits and pieces of the rind as Inoki had said. She did this all around the top until the hole was wide enough that she could reach in and scoop out more, and it wasn't long before most of the insides were scooped out and she had an almost hollow watermelon shell.

She giggled as she sat back and looked at it, noticing she had accidentally clawed out a lopsided semi-circle sort of thing near the bottom while she was scooping out the watermelon. "It almost looks like it has a mouth?" Was the watermelon smiling at her now? She giggled again as an idea struck her, and she grabbed the pointed rock again and this time she (sort of gently) began to poke and pierce and scrape the side of the watermelon until she had made two rough ovally circles. Spitting the rock out, she then grabbed a couple of leaves and stuck them into the cracks on the top on either side of the hole she had made before sitting back and admiring her handiwork. "Look Inoki! It's a wolf-er-melon!"

WC: 2,640/2,500
