
I've Got a Rumbly In My Tumbly

Calico Jack!

Calico Jack

Raiders Hollow

Master Fighter (465)

Master Navigator (285)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Dodge!1KPride - PansexualOoh La LaSamhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
01-03-2023, 02:54 AM
Calico Jack approaches the stallion, eyes wide with wonder as joins the stranger. It snorts and tosses its head and… talks! A grin splits his maw as the horse talks and the pup says, “I didn’t mean to offend or imply you’re stupid. I just… well… you’re the first of your kind I have seen like… this!” A paw gestures at his monkey friend before dropping back to the ground. The stallion asks about his parents and the boy shrugs his calico shoulders nonchalantly, saying, “Eh, mom’s busy with her pack and I got bored. See, I really like to exploring. Plus, I’m not getting into trouble or anything…” A warm small grin is offered as he moves around to get a better look at the big horse, marveling at how cool he really is.

Suddenly, Flying Dutchman begins to hiss and Jack looks to his cat, confusion tugging the lines of his face down. While Dutchman is a newer edition to his little band, Cal trusts the cat’s instinct. Looking into the golden amber eyes of his friend, the boy reads the distress and agitation in the feline. Eyes widen as a small tremor rolls across the ground, a promise of what is to come. The stallion’s voice pulls his attention up and, as he opens his mouth to voice his fear, the ground begins to move. Dutchman hisses, racing to his side as Jack spreads his paws to get a better grip on the ground.

Calico holds his breath as the earth tries to tear itself apart, the constant shaking making his stomach roll in time with the ground and his head begins to swim. The stallion shouts to him but the pup does not trust his voice to answer. Instead, as fear grips his heart, the pup stumbles sideways, toward the large horse and bumps into his leg to show he is with him. Strong teeth grab his scruff, lifting his small body off the shaking ground and depositing him onto the horse’s board back. Flattening himself against the stallion, small paws wind themselves into the stranger’s mane and a sudden, reassuring pressure behind him pins the pup in place. A soft purr lets Jack know that Flying Dutchman is with him.

Eyes squeeze shut as the horse begins to move and, between the shaking and movement, it takes all of Jack’s resolve not to paint the horse’s mane with his meal. While they move, he ponders why this place is the way it is and, if it shakes like this so often, how come they don’t feel it at his home? Heart thunders as they move, eyes remaining firmly closed as he holds onto the stallion for dear life. It feels like an eternity before the shaking begins to lessen, and the boy idly wonders where they are. When the ground becomes stable and the stranger slows, Cal finds his small body is trembling against his strong back.

A soft purr reassures Jack that he is alive and a gentle lick on his brow has him blinking open his eyes. He remains hugging the stallion’s neck, afraid that, if he lets go, the shaking will begin again. Gathering his wits, the pup clears his throat and says, “Tha... thank you. You’re a strong runner.” Words fail to express his gratitude to the stallion. Being tangled in his mane, the boy realizes that the horse has the scent of a pack on him. With a mighty sigh, he says, “My name is Calico Jack. I am part of the pirate pack that takes up the black beach. I… I can never repay you for saving me but, it you find yourself over my way, I’d be glad to show you around.”

Hesitating a moment, the pup then offers the stallion a gentle lick of thanks before attempting to unwind his muscles, and legs from their locked position.

WC: 650
Total WC: 1596 / 1500

"Calico Jack"