
Happy Little Trees

Melo - seasonal



Novice Intellectual (20)

Advanced Fighter (115)

6 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
01-04-2023, 02:11 AM
Too bad that Hage wouldn't get away without conversation. Sakura ambled along at a leisurely pace, leaves crunching underfoot. The fjord was covered in leaves thanks to all the trees that lined it, and though she hadn't quite made it that far in, she considered turning around. She slowed down as she considered what she might do, a leaf blowing past her face and she turned to watch it float off to wherever the breeze decided to take it. And that's when she spotted him. While she wasn't familiar with the wolves of Tojo (shame on her!), she at least knew who was part of the pack by appearance. Names to a face though? She was working on it. She wondered if he was just passing through to head up to Boreas, or if for whatever reason, he'd been following her. Just in case, she stopped where she was until he caught up, though his tiny little legs compared to hers had her waiting a bit. The koi woman opted to turn and nonchalantly walk towards him, to close the distance between them faster with her longer stride. "Good day," She greeted. "You are from Tojo, yes? I have seen you around, but I am afraid I don't know your name. I am Haruno Sakura." Just in case he didn't know her name.

She towered over the much smaller male, unaware that her size compared to his ticked him off. She was just trying to be polite, maybe strike up a bit of conversation and perhaps see if he wanted to travel together. Ya know since they were from the same pack and all. It wouldn't hurt to have a traveling companion, either. Provided of course, they were headed the same way. Another breeze blew by, dragging some colorful leaves with it and tossing them into the water.

WC: 835/ 1,500

"Sakura Haruno"