
Hey Brother, There's An Endless Road To Rediscover

Akuma Fighting Seasonal



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod
01-04-2023, 02:43 AM
Things had been...pretty weird for a while. They had lost their pack to someone Akuma wasn't really familiar with. Someone he knew had been a former Habari slave, but that was the extent of his knowledge. If a former slave had managed to beat his mom, then she must've been a pretty good fighter and worth her weight, right? But then what about mom? How as the rest of his family? He couldn't say he particularly cared about his older siblings, after all, he hardly knew them even before Habari had been taken. He worried a bit for his mom, but there wasn't much he could do for her, wherever she was. Eraithus had taken off to go confront the woman that had taken Habari, and he wasn't back yet. So Akuma took the opportunity to explore the willows on his own. The air was cool and crisp with the flavors of autumn, a thin layer of frost had formed on the ground and Akuma stomped on it, peering behind him at the tracks he was leaving behind. He wasn't the tiny pup anymore, but growing bigger by the day. He was lanky, the horn on his head was not so much a weird bump anymore, but a small crystal horn with sharp and jagged edges. His talons too, had grown longer and more deadly, though he still accidentally cut himself from time to time and he often forgot to sheathe them. Even now, the dew and wetness from the frost was making wet autumn leaves stick to his feet and claws, and he found himself constantly shaking his feet to get them off.

He was in the middle of doing just that when he suddenly heard his name. His head shot up as he recognized the voice carried to him by the cool autumn breeze. "Enki?" Was that really his brother? Was his injury better now? He followed his brother's voice and found him pretty quickly. The alabaster and crimson boy wagged his tail at the sight of his favorite brother, bounding towards him with delight but slowed his approach when he got closer, careful not to further aggravate any injuries his brother might still have. "Enki! How's your foot? Are you all better? Are you okay? Have you seen mom?" With Eraithus gone for the time being, he wasn't exactly sure what he was supposed to be doing or where he should be...but hey, he was at least here now with his brother!

WC: 747/1,500
Akuma's crystal horn has emerged and is about 6" long! It's sharp and jagged, and if you annoy him enough, he has no qualms about jabbing you with it c: