
i cant stop


10-18-2013, 12:43 PM

Kristoffer was no real threat. He was lazy. All he cared about was women, but for Isardis he would show a bit more motivation. He ignored Abel all together, she had always annoyed him. Her stuck up attitude was the reason he vanished in the first place. He rolled his eyes without shame before he looked to Isardis. He had more then respect for Isardis. The man spoke, he sounded threatened. A little chuckle was let forth. "I am not here to take your women, brother." He grinned and rolled his shoulders casually. The pristine Wolf then spoke more, explaining things. The darker man nodded here and there. He just wanted to help his family, was that such an issue? He may be a cocky man whore, but he was there for the Armada. Not a throne. "You are King, what you say I shall respect. Despite what Abel may say, I respect those of higher rank then me. If you do not want me to knock up your brood, then I shall seek elsewhere." He smirked and flashed a snoody look to Abel.

The final question made Kris think. How did he plan on pulling his weight? "I have experiences in fighting, brother. I would do good to you as a guard or soldier. I also have knowledge of herbs. I can do anything you ask of me, really." He licked his lips once more, he just wanted to get this over with and find himself some nice Hare or even a fawn. Hmmm. His mouth watered lightly at the thought of food. Abel added in her two cents and a snort was heard. "That mouth of yours was the reason I vanished sister. It may be best if you kept it shut, or you may drive away others like you did me." He snorted and looked back to Isardis.
