
Shake out your boots



"Until We Meet Again"


4 Years

VengeanceOoh La LaSamhain 2022ScarredDouble Master
01-05-2023, 01:49 AM

The red woman sits at the top of First Light Point, watching as the clouds build in the distance. Since the raid, Keahi has attempted to hide herself away, to hide the scar that mars her cheek and the sadness that weighs heavily on her shoulders. It is easier, up here, above the world where she can read the sky for the coming storms. Nose twitches as she smells the snow in the moisture laden air and feels the blizzard in the sharp, cold gusts of wind.

A shiver races along her spine as the tropical woman is reminded of how truly and utterly cold it is in the North. Even her polar bear lined armor offers little protection against the freezing bite of the wind. Movement catches her eye and she turns her deep ocean blues down to the pathway and traces the Warlord’s path up the winding mountain way. A gentle smile appears on her red lips as she watches his progress, a warmth spreading through her chest at his familiar presence.

Azure is a great Warlord too but, with Sirius, the woman feels a little more kinship. He was the one to welcome her into the Armada’s fold and Keahi feels the sadness that has hung around her shoulders since the botched raid lift slightly. Yet, as quickly as the happiness appears, despair chases it away. Life has changed since the family left for the Hallows and, while the family has returned, the missing piece that is Zee is felt around the Armada.

Eyes turn back up the sky, watching the clouds darken into different shades of gray while Sirius continues his climb. Thoughts of Zee and the loss the Fatalis family is dealing with stirs the tropical woman into action. Mouth parts and she sings out for the pack and for those who the once Queen has left behind,
“Aloha ʻoe, aloha ʻoe
E ke onaona noho i ka lipo
One fond embrace, A hoʻi aʻe au
Until we meet again”

She sings for the joyful times and difficult ones, the happiness and the sadness that surrounds the pack. Keahi sings for those left behind and the Queen now resting in eternal peace. The last word fills the air, her gentle tones rolling the lyric out into the air where is fades into nothing. Eyes trail down to Sirius, noticing he is close now and the red woman subtly shifts in her seated position. It opens a spot for the large dire to sit comfortably beside her and the pair can share their warmth while watching the growing storm.

Sirius joins her at the highest point, asking about the weather and she turns her soft ocean blue gaze up to him, humming a moment before saying, “Looks like a blizzard. First big storm of season. There will be a lot of snow and wind. Might be wise to have the pack begin preparations to hunker down.” Her tone is light and gentle and a warm smile is one Keahi’s red lips. A paw pats the space beside her, inviting Sirius to join her and watch the clouds.

OOC Translation: “Farewell to thee, farewell to thee
The charming one who dwells in the shaded bowers
One fond embrace, 'Ere I depart
Until we meet again”

"Keahi Mogotsi"