
pirate/viking sparkledogs, come get y'all juice

Deion Aeris x Jack O'Malley pups



Advanced Healer (90)

Advanced Fighter (70)

11 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11K
01-05-2023, 08:05 PM (This post was last modified: 02-02-2023, 10:22 PM by Deion. Edited 7 times in total.)

Are you hungering for some more vikings? Do you like raids? How about sparkledogs? Boy oh boy have I got the adopt for you!  

Deion has succeeded in furthering the Aeris lineage, thanks to a bottle of wine and a brewing storm trapping him in a romantic situation with Jack. Given that this is a BIG whoopsie litter, this won't be your typical parenting situation. No folks, you're looking at a rare example of shared custody between these two morons. Deion will do most of the parenting, per Jack's request, up in the north. However, for three weeks / one ooc month per season he will be hauling the rugrats to Pirate's Plunder to spend time with their mom and learn how to commit various different scam techniques and crimes.

Having been sneak attacked with unexpected progeny, Deion will likely be a terrible parent for a while. However, given that he has a pretty strong attachment to his culture there will be a pretty solid set of beliefs guiding his hand at parenting. They will be learning to fight and raid and plunder, and at a certain age they'll mostly be left to roam as they please. This does mean that Deion will likely be holding them accountable for their own actions to a certain extent, and so if they get injured he will patch them up, but he will also be very bluntly informing them that there are consequences to every action, and sometimes it's maiming. Yeah, he's not exactly parenting material. He will love them all fiercely, and gladly lay someone out for messing with his kids, but he won't coddle the brats at all.

Expect them to be fluent in Macedonian, Icelandic, and English. Those are the languages that he learned as a kid, and these little ones will be no different! There will also be a slight inclination towards his ancestral beliefs, which centre primarily around animism. The world contains a multitude of spirits, mostly tied to the land itself and its features. The Long Night was full of them, and he's recently come to terms with the fact that his parents might have been right about something. If one of these kids decides that fully committing to their beliefs is where its at, he won't dissuade them. His mom and uncle did originally come to Boreas to escape being ritually sacrificed, so it's a pretty gory culture. Strength and self sufficiency are paramount, though Deion wouldn't be one to hold back his love from a child that might not be either of those things. Basically, take what you want and sacrifice the occasional captive for a good harvest.

In the case of visiting with Jack, there won't be much difference in terms of overarching themes. Lie, cheat, steal, do whatever you want to get what you want. They might learn seafaring from the Pirate's, that remains to be seen. If they want to join the pack once they're a year old, they're more than welcome. Deion will encourage them to remain wild cards until then, just to ensure they can see what the world has to offer while they're younger. Jack isn't super interested in being a loving mother, and will fill more of a vodka aunt role when it comes to raising them. (more to be added, Wicked's gonna be taking a look at this and editing it where she sees fit)


Wicked and I are both p lax about activity, we would like to see a post or two a month with these kiddos, and any mandatory threads we'd like to keep moving relatively quickly (subject to change as we're all super busy folks). We've both agreed that as long as someone keeps us in the loop about why they're slow on posting, or lets us know that they're going on absence, etc., we're fine to let you keep your pup! However, if you ghost site entirely you'll only have 3 months before we reclaim the pup and adopt it back out.

Similarly, we would rather you didn't kill off your pup if you've lost muse for them. If you don't want to play them anymore, please let us know. We're happy to take them back and adopt them back out. After the pup's first year is up, if you've been a relatively consistent poster, all bets are off and you can go bonkers! If you're ever uncertain, reach out to one of us! We're very chill about communicating and working things out!

OKAY! With the long preamble over and done with, here's the actual adoption info!

Names: Botanical, Astrological, or Macedonian names fitting those two themes. No deity names plz. I've got a working list that's a few pages long if you're stumped for ideas, just DM me!  

Size: Probably sticking close to the XL-Dire range, but not mandatory. His parents were massive (45" - heavy and 41" - medium), his uncle was also massive (45 - heavy), and a lot of his cousins onsite are massive (see: Jupiter and his ilk). Not gonna demand it, but it's definitely a preference! 25% off up to 42" though!  

Designs: SPARKLEDOGS! These are space-themed designs, and very colourful. If you want some natural colours in there, I won't fault you, but this is one of those rare opportunities to go hogwild, since Deion throws p much every colour, and his family has strong cosmic/rainbow genes. I've thrown a good few of them at the bottom for y'all to peruse, but feel free to make your own! There's also the potential for mutations of many kinds, with inheritance passes getting you Deion's neat tusks! Deion's father had a ridge of spines down his back, as well. Anything else is up for grabs, though. 

Alignment: Anywhere from True Neutral, running through the full Chaotic gambit, to Neutral Evil. They're proud marauders, and come from a background that included ritual sacrifice. No wilting flowers around here ;)

Courtesy of the wondrous Fox <3 Magenta on Sapphire / Emberling / Lapis Inclusions / Cloud Covered Sky

Handiwork of Virgil Violet Lattice / Umber Cosmos / Cupid's Constellation / Sunspots

Designs a la Wicked: Beach Day / Goth Phase / Winter Seafoam / Lavender Whirlwind / Golden Sunbursts

Deadline for adoptions TBA, once the pupperino's are rolled. Roughly end of January/beginning of February

<b>Sex/Gender:</b> no limits, gender is a social construct
<b>Design & Appearance Description:</b> I'd love a design to be added to the app because I like pretty pictures, but not mandatory
<b>Personality:</b> site minimum please!
<b>Plans?:</b> optional <3