
'Cause I'm addicted -OPEN-


02-06-2013, 03:44 PM

Well isn't this just perfect, Ricochet huffed. She was displeased with the current situation. Not only had she managed to lose her family and her pack, but she was now in a land that she was fairly certain she'd never seen before. Face it, you're lost! She cursed under her breath, taking great stalking steps. She weaved aimlessly around the trees, her blackened coat getting close enough to tease the bark, but never really making contact. Now what am I going to do? Where is father when I need him? A growl sputtered from her slightly agape jaws as she huffed and puffed with obvious irritation. She had been nearer to the blast than the other Tortugans, having gone off exploring for a week or so on her own. Father had all but disappeared, leaving Kaien in charge of the beasts. This fact had all but infuriated Ricochet. She was nearly positive that her shmoozing had earned her the right to Heir of Tortuga. But alas, she had been played. Father always had been a bit prejudiced toward women and their strength. But she would show him, she would leave Tortuga forever, would strike off on her own and make a name for herself.

A growl vibrated against her lips, but was hushed as a lone bluejay sounded the alarm. She could see him, perched halfway up one of the massive trees, squawking and carrying on, all while glaring at her with beady black eyes. Oh what are you looking at? she barked. Just then, the mobile figure of another came into her peripheral vision. Just then the smell of blood distracted her. Ricochet's pupils dilated ever so slightly as she snapped her head audibly toward the source of the scent. She could see a carcass lying on the ground, but no ravenous figure hovered over it. Having been without food for the better part of a day, Ricochet sidled toward the feast without care as to whether or not it belonged to anyone. As she reached it, a casual glance was given in the direction of the wolf she'd glimpsed earlier. Though she didn't really care to know, Ricochet proposed a question. Is this yours?
