
It's a New Moon



Queen of Hell

Master Fighter (263)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
01-06-2023, 11:58 PM
reference to the pelt and where it came from

Widow had been spared from child rearing today, giving her the afternoon to focus on the feathered bracelets she'd been crafting. The first bracelet took some time to figure out, but this one was coming along faster. Especially without her child or guests interrupting her work. Though perhaps she spoke too soon, because it wasn't but a moment later that she heard the once-Habari-slave call for her. Widow still wasn't entirely certain of the woman, but she chose to rely on her own experiences than that of her mothers. Medusa hadn't done anything to the young Klein besides spare hers and her child's life. Even if she had spared Morte, Widow hadn't expected the woman to spare her. If anything to leave her as bait for Recluse, but really the woman had been kind. She'd given Widow time to heal without Morte sucking the life out of her every moment and even trusted her to look after her children from time to time.

If she weren't so recognizable by her coat, then she would be unrecognizable. Her bulk had left her body, any fat she once had wasting from her face and girth. She was hardly anything but bones and weakening muscles, forcing her to wonder if she would ever be herself again. Had the pregnancy altered her life? Would she always be out of breath from a slow stroll or too weak to do anything but make trinkets? Widow hoped to one day have her strength back, but she was in no hurry. Despite staying in a much nicer den than her siblings and other Habari members, she was still nothing more than a curse. She was probably only staying closer to Medusa since she had a child, and for the convenience of a close babysitter. She really wouldn't doubt the woman to move her to the pits the moment her and Morte were strong enough to handle it and her kids were old enough to need less supervision.

Widow took a deep breath as she rose from her crafting place inside the den, and started to make her way towards the entrance before she remembered the black wolf pelt blanket she had made for Medusa and her children. "One moment," she hoarsely called out, clearing her throat a moment later as she collected the blanket and carried it to the entrance. She expected Morte and perhaps even the other kids to be with her, though it wouldn't take her but a second to notice that Medusa had come alone, and seemed to have something she wanted to talk about. Widow approached Medusa and slowly sat, placing the blanket down between them. "I made this for you and your pups, from that dead rogue with the pretty pelt," she mentioned, wondering if Medusa had noticed the pelt missing before now.


Art © Ulfeid3 & Code © Skelle 2022
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PSA: I own widow's design as of 2/25/2022