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Advanced Navigator (70)

Advanced Healer (95)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
01-08-2023, 10:59 AM (This post was last modified: 02-06-2023, 04:21 PM by Kiliaen. Edited 1 time in total.)

A big part of adopting a nomadic lifestyle- there was never really was a solid sense of home. It was sticking around in an area just long enough to get familiar and comfortable, and moving on to something else for one reason or another. Kiliaen had abandoned the candy-coated waterfalls some time ago when other wolves started moving in. Of course, she didn't ask to stay. Perhaps they would have allowed her to if she negotiated to join their ranks. But that life didn't really appeal to her, and it certainly wasn't worth a fight. So, on her own premonition, she collected her few belongings- mostly dried herbs in a rolled-up fur- and set off to what she hoped to be bigger and better things.

She traveled around Auster for a good while, but never really found much worth sticking around for. It wasn't until she had made nearly an entire lap around the continent that she rediscovered God's Garden, and it most certainly was. The meadow was stunning- brimming in life that was unlike anything she had ever seen. The variety was unnatural, but it was unkempt in grown over. Something she was more than happy to take advantage of.

So, from the day of her rediscovery, God's Garden became another semi-permanent stop in her adventure. She adopted an empty den that she had found hollowed out beneath the roots of a fairly old tree a good distance into the surrounding wood. The shelter itself wasn't very large, but enough to maintain a dry place to sleep.

Today (like most days, really) she found herself in a gardening stupor. However, that could very well have something to do with today's subject. Kiliaen had discovered a particularly rare plant that was quite valuable in stabilizing an individual's mood, treating insomnia, or easing anxiety. And while she wasn't personally affected by any of these conditions, it was a good tool to have in one's arsenal. Her goal was to propagate more of it, and to do that, she would have to harvest a plant. The usable parts would be kept, dried, and stored for safekeeping. Kiliaen would section off the stem into pieces for planting. Over time, the cuttings would take root and grow into entirely new plants, and in the event that she returned to this place- or another healer for that matter- there would be more stock waiting for use if they knew where to look.

With her plan set, she took to culling one of the largest specimens, leaving the immature ones alone to grow to their full potential. Allowing herself to become fully absorbed in her task at hand, and not paying attention to any of the worlds around her.