Maintenance Ladies
01-08-2023, 02:06 PM
During a recent trip around the castle gardens to prune and tend to some of the plant life that they had growing around the castle, she happened to make her way around the alpaca's corral. She wasn't often in this part of the grounds since her trips out of the castle, on her own at least, tended to be either to the green house or the God's Garden, so it was the first time she had really noticed the state the wooden fencing was in. The livestock the Hallows kept wasn't exactly her area of expertise, but she was fairly crafty and it gave her something else to contribute besides simply sticking to the infirmary and working on her already plentifully stocked collection of herbs, poultices, and extracts.
While she had an idea of how to refresh the weathered fencing that had clearly worn some in the years since they were built, it was something she was going to need some help for. Since she hadn't had too many opportunities as of late to spend time with her siblings, she recruited Asheila to help. She likely would have drug out Artorias or Rudyard to help as well since some muscle could have been helpful, but she didn't want to bother the two fathers when they had growing pups to tend to. There was plenty she and Ash could do on their own to make the pen look better and reinforce the fencing.
She sat down the basket of supplies she carried next to the first fence post in the row, pointing out the sun-bleached look to the slightly cracked wood. "I'm sure they'll need to be replaced at some point, but I figured we could at least refinish them a bit and maybe replace some slats here and there if we need to," she explained, glancing over at Asheila while Blue clamored off of her back and started pulling out the various paints, rough, sanding materials, and adhesives that they could pick from, laying them out next to the basket. There was a stack of wood boards off to the side that she had gotten a couple of the warriors to carry over earlier in the day, but with any luck they wouldn't have to use too many of those.