
Enchant Me




Master Navigator (240)

Advanced Fighter (65)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
01-08-2023, 05:48 PM

Feeling Cerberus' paw continue to move over her body as his embrace squeezed around her made her heart skip again and the rush of her thoughts slowly began to piece together these feelings and emotions into something that made sense. It wasn't as if being close and intimate with one of her siblings was a wild and outlandish thought. She grew up with her father who kept three mates, one of which was his sister, and had siblings from all three of those pairings. She had never shied away from being affectionate with any of her brothers, cuddling and kissing cheeks whenever they would let her simply because she was naturally drawn to that kind of attention. Laying like this with Cerberus was a new experience for her, but once her thoughts had a chance to catch up to what her body was feeling she was able to start putting names to the feeling of electricity that danced over her nerves and the warmth that spread through her core at his touch.

As his paw moved her again, pulling on her shoulder and making her turn enough that her gaze could meet his once more, she blinked open her two-toned gaze to meet the bright eyes of her brother as he pulled away from her neck. He questioned whether she felt the same as he did and before she could answer, wanting to question how he felt to see if it matched with what was overwhelming her system, she saw him glance down between their entwined bodies and felt parts of him press against her thigh. Her face flushed, pink hues peeking through the pale fur of the pale side of her face, but her core still clenched even tighter with her first real taste of desire.

Following her newly blossoming instincts, Ruse shifted and twisted under her brother, rolling onto her back under him so that she could more clearly see his face as his nose lingered so close to hers. "I do," she replied just as softly as she brought her front paws up to his shoulders, feeling the strong, training-hardened muscles under his black and russet fur. She followed his shoulders and let her paws drift down to his chest as she lifted her muzzle just a bit, enough to brush the side of her muzzle against his own. Everything was new and experimental, but everything felt right. Her instincts led her as she eventually brought her lips lightly to his, testing her limits and contributing in her own way to this growing and changing of their relationship.

"Rusalka Alondra Klein"