
Shake out your boots



"Until We Meet Again"


4 Years

VengeanceOoh La LaSamhain 2022ScarredDouble Master
01-08-2023, 05:20 PM

Ocean blue eyes watch the Warlord, noting the way he frowns in concentration and a small, affectionate smile tugs at her red lips. Everyone has their own quirks and Keahi’s happens to be humming when she thinks. She watches as Sirius mulls over her words before speaking and the red woman gives a gentle, musical laugh. Eyes dance with amusement as he snatches up the dagger and moves to plant it where she suggested. As he moves, the tropical wolf teases, “Oh, I don’t know about wisdom. Let’s call it trial and error. Hmm?”

Another gentle laugh fills the air and the wind steals it away, sending it scattering all around them. Another flash of lightning brightens the darkening sky and the thunder is quicker to follow it. Sirius joins her and she pulls the cloak around her form so that, when she lays down, it is tight and unable to stolen be away by the whipping winds. Body curls toward the Warlord, using his body for exactly what he is offering; a buffer. The warmth of his larger body chases the chill from her bones as she turns her bright eyes toward the storm.

Rain begins to pelt their forms as the sky begins to unleash its fury and there is no fear in Keahi. In its place is a sense of calm understanding and it radiates out from her. The sky will always unleash its tempests, clearing the way for new and better things to appear and she knows that is nothing to fear. Excitement begins to swell in her breast as lightning streaks through the sky, much closer to them, and the deep rumble of the answering thunder can be felt in her chest. She feels so alive, so… insignificant in the face of the sky’s wrath. The rain quickly turns into thick, driving sheets of drops as they lay there.

"Keahi Mogotsi"