
Enchant Me



"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-08-2023, 08:20 PM
As much as he felt like he had all control over her, and maybe he did, he bent to every move she made in return. The string between them fully sewn in the relationship between them as siblings and the special time they had shared more recently. There was something about the moment, the experience, the way she turned and looked back at him that took his breath away. Everything that worked through him was out of pure instinct, though not only what he felt with Ruse. His physical desires had been growing since his time with Valtiel. Everything else had been built on general knowledge and his time with Ruse.

The way he looked back at her still in that semi tired state that turned more lustful just from the moment alone, she was sure to feel that same emotion that he asked and they shared. He was drawn into her the same way she was with him, lingering on the thin edge between their noses in some way begging her to give him more. Just as she had he felt this surge of longing and tingling through his body as her paws moved along his chest and arms. The thought of leaving her alone soon threatened at the back of his mind but it wouldn't make him pull away.

It had felt like an eternity, but not a second lost its value as she brushed her nose along the side of his and finally brought them together where he met her halfway in that exact moment she had decided. The desire of the experience was shared between them. Cerberus kissed her back slow at first, of course never having kissed anyone like this before. Growing more deeper the longer he held her there. Not necessarily aggressive but eager in every silent moment. A paw gripped lightly at her side and towards her back, pressing his body gently against hers not that he really had to show her how desirable she was to him. It would feel nearly impossible to break them apart, but when he finally could his paws kept their soft brushes and movements along her body. "I'll take some time off soon." He promised her in a quiet whisper. His breath was a little heady is he caught it back again between them, "I'll stay here until the last second." His eyes roamed between them, admiring her, ready to just hold her back in his arms like they had so many nights before. He was here for her though, maybe equally for himself too. But for Ruse, right now, everything was for her.

"Cerberus Kline"