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"The Golden Boy"


Expert Hunter (160)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Dream Weaver
Mammoth Hunter1K
01-08-2023, 07:40 PM
It was the first time that Balthier had left a girl's side after a night together and not the other way around, not that they had gone very far intimately. Still with that kind of control over a part of his life he found himself urging to return back to Kiliaen again since the morning he left her at Lazuli Falls. By the time he made the effort, which wasn't much given what more he wanted out of this beginning relationship, Ethne had taken her place. He did have the thought that maybe she had joined and in that event he just hoped they would cross paths again outside. He didn't know her well enough to think she would or wouldn't join the pack. For the lifestyle or being emotionally connected to the lands. He wouldn't march up on their lands either demanding to see her. He was a gentleman after all.

Fate would seem to pull the strings he wanted though as he made his exit from The Hallows and caught the scent of her in nearby lands, a scent he wouldn't soon forget. He'd drop all he was doing, that being heading out on a hunt for the stores, and pursue her at that first grasp. He was quiet as he had always been, almost as if he were stalking a prey. Though, he hoped she'd be eager to see him once they met.

"Wasn't sure if I'd ever see you again. Kiliaen." He wasn't drunk enough to forget the night of holding her and it was what he had been holding onto their entire time apart. Maybe a bit obsessive, but not on the surface. "Were you going to need any help with that?" He questioned as she seemed busy tending to some herbs or plants. She did appear to be a hard worker if only for herself.

"Balthier Destruction"
Balthier can be rated a !M! mature character due to alcohol abuse.