
Trick or Treat!



"Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce"


Master Fighter (285)

Master Healer (335)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

4 Years

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipStudent1K
Snake Eyes
01-08-2023, 08:39 PM

No matter what pack politics may be, Seere is a healer, first and foremost. That means that she will offer aid to any wolf who finds themselves sick, injured, or scared. While Habari was an ally of Ashen and this woman has taken control of the pack, the young monochrome healer does not see or think about any of that. No, right now, she sees a frightened, anxious woman about to give birth for what seems like the first time. The girl means no harm and wishes only to help and, while she will get a talking to after this, the girl care less right now.

The cougar looks to her, offering a slight grin of amusement as it speaks. At least she has a name to work with now. A warm smile is given and, as the cougar tells Medusa there is someone here to help, Seere moves closer. The pleading expression in the woman’s eyes pulls a frown of sympathy to her lips and the small girl shrugs off her bag near Medusa’s side. Lifting one small paw, she places it on her contracting abdominal muscles while cooing soft, soothing sounds to the wolf who is about to be a mother. Feeling how close together the contractions are, the girl quickly digs into her bag and retrieves two bundles of herbs.

Looking to the woman’s companions, she explains, “These are pre-made. This one is for pain.” Pushing it toward the cougar, she allows it to exam the herbs and determine for itself that there is has nothing bad in it. It is a mixture of cannabis leaves, chamomile, marshmallow, and lavender to help her relax and reduce the pain she is feeling. Next, she holds up the second bundle, saying, “To help aid in the delivery.” Again, she passes the bundle to Medusa’s companions, allowing them to inspect them. It is herbs to help with the labor and production of breast milk.

Gently, she directs, “Please make sure she takes all of them. I am going to check on her progress.” With a gentle pat to Medusa’s shoulder, Seere softly says, “You are doing great Medusa. Your friends have some herbs that are going help. We are here with you.” She wishes to be reassuring and comforting to the woman who seems so scared. With one last pat, she shifts position until she near Medusa’s tail. Small paws check the positions of the pups by palpating her abdomen gently. Finding that they are in place and ready to greet the world, she readies to help them.

With a strong, authoritative voice that seems suddenly out of place for the small, sympathetic healer, Seere commands gently, “These pups are ready to see you! I know it is painful but, when your muscles contract, I need you to bare down and push with all your might. It is time to meet you pups!” Her voice is upbeat even with her commanding tone, leaving no room for argument. Honestly, these pups are coming… with or without their mother’s help!

Seere Abraxas-Destruction

Seere has a male Pallas's cat named Paunch and a female barn swallow named Aisling. They are always nearby.