
Frankly, My Dear...


04-02-2013, 07:27 PM

He lay beside his ailing wife, wondering if it was even possible for his life to get any more depressing. The King was not in his normal mental state, and finding his wife like this had only served to make that decline even further. He rested his head on his paws, feeling the scarce amount of warmth from her frame drifting onto his own. Gerhardt wondered if he was doing any good at all, it seemed as though - if anything - he might be sapping warmth from her, not giving it to her. Still, he had faith that Loccian would arrive soon and he would most likely be put to work finding herbs or anything else that Adette might need. And arrive she did. Gerhardt shifted so his front half was propped up slightly, glancing at Loccian just as she spoke their names. "My wife is very sick.. please, can you help her?" Tone was almost pleading, hinting at his helplessness when it came to these situations. "Tell me what to do and I can try to help too." Curse his lack of knowledge of herbs and remedies! He had ordered two of his children learn, but he had yet to take the time himself to expand his knowledge.
