
This sleeping giant’s coming awake



01-08-2023, 11:25 PM

As Alaois came in for the attack he heard a bird call out. Likely a companion of the dame whom had approached him. He hadn’t considered the possibilities that she might have companions. It was getting to the point where he had been considering getting a pair of his own, two animals that would serve under. Perhaps when all was said and done here, and he had served his purpose with this woman, he might seek such animals out. For now, his blue-green gaze focused on her. If her stance was anything to go by, he was in for a treat this fight, and might even walk away with an injury or two.

She jumped to the right, and the points of his teeth managed to scratch across the surface of her cheek, drawin bits of blood, but it was nothing more than a minor injury. Her head moved, and her jaws snapped at the left side of his neck. He managed to rear back but not enough, her hold earned, and as she began to shake him Alaois redistributed his weight across his limbs, seeking to keep himself on his feet in their dance. It was a good thing too. He felt a disturbance at his hind legs as something furry began to swipe at them, trying to bring him down. Alaois didn’t lose focus however, doing his best to move with the woman’s movements while keeping himself anchored to the earth. There was no denying her bite had worsened with the movement, however, and blood welled up from the wound she had caused.

Alaois snarled he attempted to twist his head again, keeping at an arch due to her hold on his neck. He wouldn’t be able to curl in too tightly, but it was enough for the main to take a pass at her ear nearest to him. He sought to grab ahold of the appendage and clamp down on it. While he didn’t seek to tear it away from her head, he had no qualms about leaving some bitemarks or tears within it. Would she release him if he managed to get a hold and retaliate in a different way, or would she continue her attempt at trying to tear away a hunk of flesh?

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Alaois vs Lurid for Spar
Round 2/3
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Extra large
Build: Heavy
Defensive Battle Accessory: Melanistic puma cape
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Beginner Hunter