
cradle my spine; label my pride

for Memento Mori

Memento Mori


Expert Intellectual (215)

Advanced Fighter (70)

6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipTreat 2019
01-08-2023, 11:28 PM

A new day in the Hallows had come, and Memento Miori had awoken with something different than her usual tasks in mind. On a normal day, she might be fiddling with some projects, blankets, pillows, and baskets… but the night prior, as she lay down to rest, she thought of the bear that she and Ezra had confronted in the grove. She thought of her fighting skills, and while they weren’t bad, the pale-eyed woman felt that they could be better. It wasn’t as if she was needed as a fighter now… but what if something happened in the Hallows some time from now? An invasion, be it another pack or some other predators? Meme had decided that regardless of if fighting was her favored skill, she was going to work on it.

So Memento rose with the sun and, waking her companions Rein and Jacques, she set off for the dojo within the castle. She hadn’t seen it used too often lately, and the open space would be perfect for her to train against her companions. It would also offer a different type of terrain than she was used to. Her nails would not be able to grip the floor here as easily as she could out in the wider world. But wasn’t fighting in different terrain an important part of being a fighter as well?

So, for the first part of the morning, Meme had been practicing moves with Jacques and Rein, alternating between the two jackals to keep them fresh while she did not get a break. She was just backing off from a clash with Jacques when movement caught her eye. She lifted her head, ears flicking forward as her pale gaze fell on a fellow packmate. A smile graced Memento’s lips and she tipped her head toward the other female in greeting.

“Morning! Care for a spar? My companions and I were just warming up.” That had to be why the other woman had come to the dojo, right? Or did she already have a sparring partner in mind, and had come here to wait for them?

"Talk, 'Think.'

Unless ICly stated otherwise assume Memento Mori's companions, Jacques and Rein, are not with her.